- hexaemeric
- hex·a·em·er·ic
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
hexaemeric — adjective see hexaemeral … Useful english dictionary
hexaemeron — hexaemeric, adj. /hek seuh em euh ron /, n. 1. the six days of the Creation. 2. a written account of them, esp. the Biblical account. Gen. 1. 3. a treatise on them. Also, hexahemeron, hexameron. [1585 95; < LL < Gk hexaémeron period of six days,… … Universalium
hex|a|hem|er|ic — «HEHK suh HEHM uhr ihk», adjective. = hexaemeric. (Cf. ↑hexaemeric) … Useful english dictionary
Hexameral literature — is the medieval Christian literature based on the creation story from the Book of Genesis . It was commentary or elaboration, sometimes taking on encyclopedic scope, regarding the cosmological and theological implications of the world or universe … Wikipedia
hexaemeron — n. six days of Creation; treatise on or history of this. ♦ hexaemeric, a … Dictionary of difficult words
hexahemeron — n. six days of Creation; treatise on or history of this. ♦ hexaemeric, a … Dictionary of difficult words