- homochlamydeous
- homo·chlamydeous
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
homochlamydeous — “+ adjective Etymology: hom + chlamydeous : having a perianth whose inner and outer series are similar or not differentiated into calyx and corolla the lily has a typical homochlamydeous perianth compare achlamydeae * * * homochlamydeous / klə… … Useful english dictionary
haplochlamydeous — “+ adjective Etymology: hapl + chlamydeous : having rudimentary perianth leaves protecting the sporophylls (as in pistillate flowers of a walnut tree) compare homochlamydeous … Useful english dictionary
heterochlamydeous — | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷(ˌ) ̷ ̷+ adjective Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary heter + chlamydeous : having a perianth whose calyx and corolla are differentiated as to color and texture compare homochlamydeous * * * heterochlamydeous / klə midˈi əs/… … Useful english dictionary