- homomallous
- homo·mal·lous
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Homomallous — Ho*mom al*lous, a. [Homo + Gr. ? a lock of wool.] (Bot.) Uniformly bending or curving to one side; said of leaves which grow on several sides of a stem … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
homomallous — pronunc at homo +|maləs adjective Etymology: hom + mallous (as in heteromallous) : uniformly curving to one side used of the leaves of mosses; opposed to heteromallous … Useful english dictionary
heteromallous — |hed.ərō|maləs adjective Etymology: Greek heteromallos woolly, from hetero heter + mallos lock of wool : spreading or turning in different directions used of leaves of various mosses; opposed to homomallous … Useful english dictionary