- hosanna
- ho·san·na
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
hosanna — [ oza(n)na ] n. m. • osanne 1276; lat. ecclés. hosanna, hébr. hosa´ na, abrév. de hoschi´a nna « sauve donc ! » 1 ♦ Acclamation religieuse utilisée dans les cérémonies, les processions, certaines prières juives. Hymne catholique, chanté le jour… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Hosanna — • The general opinion is that of St. Jerome, that the word originated from two Hebrew words of Psalm cxvii (cxviii), 25. This psalm, was recited by one of the priests every day during the procession round the altar, during the Feast of… … Catholic encyclopedia
Hosanna — is a liturgical word in Judaism and Christianity. In Judaism, it is always used in its original Hebrew form, Hoshana. Liturgical use in different traditions Judaism Hoshana (הושענא) is a Hebrew word meaning please save or save now. [See ArtScroll … Wikipedia
Hosanna — Ho*san na (h[ o]*z[a^]n n[.a]), n.; pl. {Hosannas} ( n[.a]z). [Gr. ?, fr. Heb. h[=o]sh[=i] [=a]h nn[=a]save now, save, we pray, h[=o]sh[=i]a to save (Hiphil, a causative form, of y[=a]sha ) + n[=a], a particle.] A Hebrew exclamation of praise to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
hosanna — (Del lat. bíblico hosanna, y este del hebr. hōša‘nā, salve). 1. m. Exclamación de júbilo usada en los salmos y en la liturgia cristiana y judía. 2. Himno que se canta el Domingo de Ramos … Diccionario de la lengua española
hosanna — [hō zan′ə, hōzä′nə] n., interj. [ME osanna < OE < LL(Ec) < Gr(Ec) hōsanna < Heb hōshīʼ āh nnā, lit., save, we pray] (an exclamation) used to give praise to God … English World dictionary
¡hosanna! — (del hebr. «hōša‘nā», salve, a través del lat. bíblico) 1 Exclamación de *alegría de origen hebreo, usada en la liturgia católica. ⇒ Aleluya. 2 m. *Himno que se canta el Domingo de Ramos … Enciclopedia Universal
HOSANNA — quid Hebraeis notaverit, dicemus infra in Osanna, et ubi de Tabernaculorum festo Remansit acclamatio in Eccl. tam Graeca, quam Latina, ubi bis in Missa dicitur, semel nempe Angelorum vice, atque iterum hominum nomine. Dom. Macer in Hierol … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
hosanna — O.E. osanna, via Latin and Greek from Hebrew hosha na, probably a shortening of hoshi ah nna save, we pray (Cf. Psalms cxviii:25), from imperative of y sh (Cf. yeshua salvation, deliverance, welfare ) + emphatic particle na. Originally an appeal… … Etymology dictionary
hosanna — sustantivo masculino 1. Área: religión Exclamación de júbilo de la liturgia católica. 2. Área: religión Himno católico que se canta el domingo de ramos … Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española
hosanna — (also hosannah) ► NOUN & EXCLAMATION ▪ a biblical cry of praise or joy. ORIGIN Greek, from a Hebrew phrase meaning save, we pray … English terms dictionary