

English syllables. 2014.

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  • humpty — adj British 1. having the hump, annoyed, resentful He s a bit humpty this morning. 2. wanting to hump someone, priapic, horny or sexually aroused Both senses of the word were current in London working class usage in the late 1980s. The h is… …   Contemporary slang

  • Humpty Dumpty — is a character in a Nursery rhyme typically portrayed as an egg. Most English speaking children are familiar with the rhyme:: Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. : Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.: All the king s horses and all the king s men : Couldn t… …   Wikipedia

  • Humpty Dumpty (House) — Humpty Dumpty Episodio de House Un trabajador latino cae de un techo y su capacidad de trabajo está en peligro. Título Humpty Dumpty Episodio nº HOU 203 …   Wikipedia Español

  • Humpty Doo — Hotel Staat …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Humpty Dumpty — Humpty Dumpty. Humpty Dumpty est un personnage éponyme d une comptine anglaise, le plus souvent représenté comme un œuf. Paroles Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the king s horses and all the king s men couldn t… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Humpty Dumpty — arriba del muro, antes de caer. Para el episodio del mismo título de la serie House, véase Humpty Dumpty (House). Humpty Dumpty (Tentetieso en España, Chucho en Venezuela) es un personaje en una rima infantil de Mamá Ganso, creado en Inglaterra.… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Humpty Dumpty Snack Foods — Type Subsidiary Headquarters Montreal, Quebec, Canada …   Wikipedia

  • Humpty Dumpty (disambiguation) — Humpty Dumpty may refer to: * Humpty Dumpty, a nursery rhyme and its principal character * Humpty Dumpty (pinball), a pinball machine * Humpty Dumpty Snack Foods, a snack food manufacturer * Humpty Dumpty , a children s magazine; sister… …   Wikipedia

  • Humpty Dumpty (comics) — Humpty Dumpty is a DC Comics villain most commonly associated with Batman.Superherobox caption=Humpty Dumpty on the cover of Arkham Asylum: Living Hell #3 comic color=background:#8080ff character name=Humpty Dumpty real name= publisher=DC Comics… …   Wikipedia

  • Humpty-Bump — Der Humpty Bump ist eine Kunstflugfigur und ähnelt dem Looping. Der Unterschied liegt darin, dass das Flugzeug keinen vertikalen Kreis, sondern erst senkrecht nach oben fliegt, bevor es am Scheitelpunkt in eine senkrechte Abwärtsbewegung übergeht …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Humpty Dumpty (pinball) — Humpty Dumpty is a historically important pinball machine released by Gottlieb in October 1947. Named after Humpty Dumpty, the nursery rhyme character, it is considered to be the first true pinball machine ever produced, distinguishing it from… …   Wikipedia

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