- hydrazobenzene
- hy·draz·o·benzene
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
hydrazobenzene — hidrazobenzenas statusas T sritis chemija formulė (C₆H₅NH)₂ atitikmenys: angl. hydrazobenzene rus. гидразобензол … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
hydrazobenzene — hī|drazō, |hīdrəzō+ noun Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary hydraz + benzene : a crystalline compound C6H5NHNHC6H5 obtained by alkaline reduction of nitrobenzene or azobenzene and capable of being converted into aniline by reduction,… … Useful english dictionary
hidrazobenzen — HIDRAZOBENZÉN s.m. Derivat al hidrazinei, care se prezintă sub formă de cristale incolore cu miros de camfor şi care este folosit ca insecticid. – Din fr. hydrazobenzène. Trimis de gall, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 hidrazobenzén s. m. (sil. dra ) … Dicționar Român
Phenylbutazone — Systematic (IUPAC) name 4 butyl 1,2 diphenyl pyrazolidine 3,5 dione Clinical data Trade names Butazolidine … Wikipedia
Benzidine — IUPAC name 4,4 diaminobiphenyl … Wikipedia
Benzidin-Umlagerung — Die Benzidin Umlagerung ist eine organisch chemische Reaktion, in der aus Hydrazobenzol (N,N Diphenylhydrazin) in saurem Medium Benzidin gebildet wird. Entdeckt wurde sie 1844 von Nikolaj Nikolaevic Zinin (1812–1880) bei der Reduktion von… … Deutsch Wikipedia
benzidine — /ben zi deen , din/, n. Chem. a grayish, crystalline, slightly water soluble, basic compound, C12H12N2, usually derived from nitrobenzene: used chiefly in the synthesis of certain azo dyes, esp. Congo red. [1875 80; BENZ + ID3 + INE2] * * * ▪… … Universalium
nitrobenzene — /nuy troh ben zeen, ben zeen /, n. Chem. a pale yellow, toxic, water soluble liquid, C6H5NO2, produced by nitrating benzene with nitric acid: used chiefly in the manufacture of aniline. Also called nitrobenzol /nuy troh ben zawl, zol/. [1865 70;… … Universalium
Hofmann, August Wilhelm von — ▪ German chemist born April 8, 1818, Giessen, Hesse Darmstadt [Germany] died May 2, 1892, Berlin German chemist whose research on aniline, with that of Sir William Henry Perkin, helped lay the basis of the aniline dye industry. Hofmann… … Universalium
Benzidine — A compound used mainly for dyeing textiles and paper that is a known human carcinogen (cancer causing agent). Benzidine was one of the first chemicals for which an association of occupational exposure and increased incidence of urinary bladder… … Medical dictionary