- hypereuryprosopic
- hy·per·euryprosopic
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
hypereuryprosopic — “+ adjective Etymology: German hypereuryprosop hypereuryprosopic (from hyper + euryprosop euryprosopic) + English ic : having a very short broad face with a facial index below 80 … Useful english dictionary
hypereuryprosopic — Pertaining to or characterized by a very low and wide face. [hyper + G. eurys, wide, + prosopon, face] * * * hy·per·eu·ry·pro·so·pic .hī pər .yu̇ rē prə sō pik, sä pik adj having a very short broad face with a facial index below 80… … Medical dictionary
hypereuryprosopy — “+ noun Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary hyper + euryprosopy; probably originally formed as German hypereuryprosopie : the quality or state of being hypereuryprosopic … Useful english dictionary