- hypohyal
- hy·po·hy·al
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Hypohyal — Hy po*hy al, a. [Pref. hypo + Greek letter ?.] (Anat.) Pertaining to one or more small elements in the hyoidean arch of fishes, between the caratohyal and urohyal. n. One of the hypohyal bones or cartilages. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
hypohyal — the one or two deep, endochondral bones in the hyoid arch between the ceratohyal and the glossohyal. Articulates dorsally with the ceratohyal and ventrally with the basihyal. Lepisosteus has only one while Gadus has two, the dorsal hypohyal or… … Dictionary of ichthyology
hypohyal — | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷+|hīəl adjective Etymology: hypo + hyoid + al : of, relating to, or constituting one or two small elements of each side of the hyoid arch of most fishes between the ceratohyal and the median basihyal … Useful english dictionary
ventrohyal — ventral hypohyal (the hypohyal is the one or two deep, endochondral bones in the hyoid arch between the ceratohyal and the glossohyal. Articulates dorsally with the ceratohyal and ventrally with the basihyal. Lepisosteus has only one while Gadus… … Dictionary of ichthyology
os hypohyale — (plural ossa hypohyalia)) hypohyal (the one or two deep, endochondral bones in the hyoid arch between the ceratohyal and the glossohyal. Articulates dorsally with the ceratohyal and ventrally with the basihyal. Lepisosteus has only one while… … Dictionary of ichthyology
arcus hyoideus — (plural arcus hyoidei)) hyoid arch (the arch lying between the gill arches and jaws, with which it is believed homologous and which helps support the floor of the mouth cavity. Composed in teleostomes of the following paired endoskeleton elements … Dictionary of ichthyology
hyoid arch — the arch lying between the gill arches and jaws, with which it is believed homologous and which helps support the floor of the mouth cavity. Composed in teleostomes of the following paired endoskeleton elements: hyomandibula, symplectic,… … Dictionary of ichthyology
branchiostegal — one of the dermal bony (or cartilaginous) struts inserting on the epihyal and/or ceratohyal and sometimes the interhyal and hypohyal, and supporting the branchiostegal membranes. Of various forms from narrow, to plate like to hooked, with numbers … Dictionary of ichthyology
dorsohyal — dorsal hypohyal (see hyoid arch) … Dictionary of ichthyology
os branchiostegale — (plural ossa branchiostegalia)) branchiostegal (one of the dermal bony (or cartilaginous) struts inserting on the epihyal and/or ceratohyal and sometimes the interhyal and hypohyal, and supporting the branchiostegal membranes. Of various forms… … Dictionary of ichthyology