- hypotrachelium
- hy·po·tra·che·li·um
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Hypotrachelium — Hy po*tra*che li*um, n. [L., fr. Gr. ?; ? under + ? neck.] (Arch.) Same as {Gorgerin}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Hypotrachelĭum — (Bauk.), so v.w. Hals 6) … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Hypotrachelium — In classical architecture, the hypotrachelium is the space between the annulet of the echinus and the upper bed of the shafts, including, according to C. R. Cockerell, the three grooves or sinkings found in some of the older examples, as in the… … Wikipedia
hypotrachelium — Gorgerin Gor ge*rin , n. [F., fr. gorge neck.] (Arch.) In some columns, that part of the capital between the termination of the shaft and the annulet of the echinus, or the space between two neck moldings; called also {neck of the capital}, and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
hypotrachelium — /huy poh treuh kee lee euhm/, n., pl. hypotrachelia / lee euh/. (on a classical column) any member, as a necking, between the capital and the shaft. Cf. trachelium. [1555 65; < L < Gk hypotrachélion. See HYPO , TRACHELIUM] * * * … Universalium
hypotrachelium — ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷+trəˈkēlēəm noun Etymology: Latin, from Greek hypotrachēlion, from hypo + trachēlos neck : gorgerin … Useful english dictionary
Glossary of architecture — This page is a glossary of architecture. Contents: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z … Wikipedia
Hypotrachelion — Hy|po|tra|che|li|on 〈[ xe: ] n.; s, li|en〉 Teil der Säule unter dem Kapitell, Säulenhals [<grch. hypo „unter“ + trachelos „Hals“] * * * Hy|po|tra|che|li|on, das; s, …ien [lat. hypotrachelium < griech. hypotrache̅̓lion] (Archit.): Teil der… … Universal-Lexikon
Gorgerin — Gor ge*rin , n. [F., fr. gorge neck.] (Arch.) In some columns, that part of the capital between the termination of the shaft and the annulet of the echinus, or the space between two neck moldings; called also {neck of the capital}, and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
neck of the capital — Gorgerin Gor ge*rin , n. [F., fr. gorge neck.] (Arch.) In some columns, that part of the capital between the termination of the shaft and the annulet of the echinus, or the space between two neck moldings; called also {neck of the capital}, and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English