- hypsicranic
- hyp·si·cra·nic
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
hypsicranic — hyp·si·cra·nic .hip sə krā nik or hyp·si·cra·ni·al krā nē əl adj having a high skull with a length height index of 75 or over compare HYPSICEPHALIC hyp·si·cra·ny hip sə .krā nē n, pl nies … Medical dictionary
hypsicranic — adjective see hypsicranial … Useful english dictionary
hypsicephalic — hyp·si·ce·phal·ic sə fal ik adj having a high forehead with a length height index of 62.6 or higher compare HYPSICRANIC hyp·si·ceph·a·ly sef ə lē n, pl lies … Medical dictionary