- -stichous
- -sti·chous
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
-stichous — [stik′əs] [< Gr stichos, a line (see STILE1) + OUS] combining form forming adjectives having (a specified number or kind of) rows … English World dictionary
-stichous — stə̇kəs adjective combining form Etymology: Late Latin stichus, from Greek stichos, from stichos row, line : having (such or so many) rows or sides diplostichous monostichous * * * Bot., Zool. a combining form meaning having rows of the kind or… … Useful english dictionary
-stichous — Bot., Zool. a combining form meaning having rows of the kind or number specified by the initial element: distichous. [ < LL stichus < Gk stichos, adj. deriv. of stíchos STICH1] * * * … Universalium
-stichous — aff. a combining form meaning “having rows” of the kind or number specified by the initial element: distichous[/ex] • Etymology: < LL stichus < Gk stichos, adj. der. of stíchos stich … From formal English to slang
-stichous — Botany, Zoology a word element referring to rows, as in distichous. {Greek stichos (adjective suffix) …
polystichous — /peuh lis ti keuhs/, adj. arranged in rows or series. [1885 90; < Gk polýstichos having many lines or verses; see POLY , STICHOUS] * * * … Universalium
tristichous — /tris ti keuhs/, adj. 1. arranged in three rows. 2. Bot. arranged in or characterized by three vertical rows. [1855 60; < Gk trístichos of three rows or verses. See TRI , STICHOUS] * * * … Universalium
distich — dis•tich [[t]ˈdɪs tɪk[/t]] n. 1) pro a unit of two lines of verse, usu. a self contained statement; couplet 2) pro a rhyming couplet • Etymology: 1545–55; < L distichon; see di , stichous dis′ti•chal, adj … From formal English to slang
polystichous — po•lys•ti•chous [[t]pəˈlɪs tɪ kəs[/t]] adj. arranged in rows or series • Etymology: 1885–90; < Gk polýstichos having many lines or verses; see poly , stichous … From formal English to slang
tetrastichous — te•tras•ti•chous [[t]tɛˈtræs tɪ kəs[/t]] adj. bot arranged in four vertical rows, as flowers on a spike • Etymology: 1865–70; < NL tetrastichus < Gk tetrástichos having four lines or rows. See tetra , stichous … From formal English to slang