- idioandrosporous
- id·io·an·drospo·rous
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
idioandrosporous — |idē(ˌ)ō|andrə|spōrəs, |an|dräspər adjective Etymology: idio + androspore + ous of an alga : bearing androspores and oogonia on separate filaments compare gynandrosporous … Useful english dictionary
gynandrosporous — ̷ ̷|nandrə|spōrəs, | ̷ ̷ nən|dräspərəs see gyn adjective Etymology: gyn + andr + sporous : bearing androspores on the same filament as the oogonia and usually near them compare idioandrosporous … Useful english dictionary