- impoundable
- im·pound·able
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
impoundable — adj. may be impounded, may be confined; may be confiscated, seizable … English contemporary dictionary
impoundable — (ˈ)im|pau̇ndəbəl, əmˈp adjective : capable of or liable to impoundment * * * impoundˈable adjective • • • Main Entry: ↑impound … Useful english dictionary
impound — impoundable, adj. impounder, n. v. /im pownd /; n. /im pownd/, v.t. 1. to shut up in a pound or other enclosure, as a stray animal. 2. to confine within an enclosure or within limits: water impounded in a reservoir. 3. to seize and retain in… … Universalium
impound — verb 1》 seize and take legal custody of. 2》 shut up (domestic animals) in a pound. 3》 (of a dam) hold back (water). Derivatives impoundable adjective impounder noun impoundment noun … English new terms dictionary
impound — /ɪmˈpaʊnd / (say im pownd) verb (t) 1. to shut up in a pound, as a stray animal: *Reid impounded the bull and claimed heavy damages. –henry lawson, 1907. 2. to confine within an enclosure or within limits: water impounded in a reservoir. 3. to… …
impound — v.tr. 1 confiscate. 2 take possession of. 3 shut up (animals) in a pound. 4 shut up (a person or thing) as in a pound. 5 (of a dam etc.) collect or confine (water). Derivatives: impoundable adj. impounder n. impoundment n … Useful english dictionary