- inermicapsifer
- in·er·mi·cap·si·fer
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Inermicapsifer — Genus of tapeworm (order Cyclophyllidae) first recognized in humans in 1935; an arthropod is thought to be involved in transmission (rodent to human, human to human). I. madagascariensis cestode often seen as human infection in Cuba in children… … Medical dictionary
inermicapsifer — ə̇ˌnərməˈkapsəfər noun Usage: capitalized Etymology: New Latin, from Latin inermis + capsi (from Latin capsa chest, case) + fer more at case : a genus of … Useful english dictionary
A partial list of zoonoses — ▪ Table A partial list of zoonoses disease causative organism animals principally involved Viral diseases arbovirus infections febrile illnesses hemorrhagic fever epidemic nephrosonephritis encephalitis (mosquito borne and tick borne) … Universalium
TÉNIASIS — Parasitoses humaines dues à diverses espèces de vers plats (plathelminthes) à corps formé d’une succession d’anneaux (ou strobiles) et appartenant au vaste groupe des cestodes ou ténias. Ces ténias parasites de l’homme à l’état adulte déterminent … Encyclopédie Universelle
Linstowiidae — Lin·sto·wi·i·dae (lin sto wiґĭ de) a family of medium sized or small tapeworms of the order Cyclophyllidea, subclass Cestoda, which parasitize birds, reptiles, and mammals. Medically important genera are Oochoristica and Inermicapsifer … Medical dictionary