

English syllables. 2014.

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  • ingressive — ● ingressive nom féminin Consonne réalisée par la formation d un appel d air orienté vers l intérieur du conduit vocal (par exemple l émission des clics). ● ingressif, ingressive adjectif (latin ingressum, de ingredi, commencer) ingressif nom… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • ingressive — [in gres′iv] adj. [ML ingressivus] 1. having to do with ingress 2. Gram. INCEPTIVE …   English World dictionary

  • Ingressive — In human speech, ingressive sounds are those in which the airstream is inward through the mouth or nose. The three types of ingressive sounds are lingual ingressive, glottalic ingressive, and pulmonic ingressive (inhaled). The opposite of an… …   Wikipedia

  • ingressive — adjective Date: 1649 1. of, relating to, or involving ingress; especially produced by ingress of air into the vocal tract < ingressive sounds > 2. inchoative 2 • ingressive noun • ingressiveness noun …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • ingressive — 1. adjective a) going or directed inward, entering The chances that your internet actions are being watched is low, despite the ingressive nature of the modern internet envioronment. b) open to entry or examination This spring is the ingressive… …   Wiktionary

  • ingressive — /ɪnˈgrɛsɪv/ (say in gresiv) adjective 1. relating to that which goes or comes in: the ingressive air we breathe in. 2. relating to a speech sound made by ingressive air as a vocal click. –noun 3. such a sound. –ingressiveness, noun …  

  • Ingressive speech — (IS) is when sounds are articulated with the flow of air in opposition to the flow that would be experienced during normal speech. The air used to voice the speech will be drawn in rather than pushed out. Ingressive speech can be either glottal,… …   Wikipedia

  • ingressive — ingressively, adv. ingressiveness, n. /in gres iv/, adj. 1. of, pertaining to, or involving ingress. 2. Phonet. (of a speech sound) produced with air being taken into the mouth, as some clicks (opposed to egressive). [INGRESS + IVE] * * * …   Universalium

  • ingressive — adj. of ingress, of or pertaining to entering; of a sound made by drawing the air into the mouth (Phonetics) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • ingressive — in•gres•sive [[t]ɪnˈgrɛs ɪv[/t]] adj. 1) of or pertaining to ingress 2) phn (of a speech sound) produced with air being taken into the mouth, as some clicks • Etymology: 1640–50 in•gres′sive•ly, adv. in•gres′sive•ness, n …   From formal English to slang

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