

English syllables. 2014.

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  • aniconic — ANICÓNIC, Ă, aniconici, ce, adj. (Despre unele religii) Fără icoane. – An3 + iconic. Trimis de ana zecheru, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98  anicónic adj. m. (sil. mf. an ), pl. anicónici; f. sg. anicónică, pl. anicónice …   Dicționar Român

  • aniconic — |aˌnī|känik adjective Etymology: an + iconic 1. : symbolic or suggestive rather than literally representational : not made or designed as a likeness trees, boulders, and otheraniconic objects of primitive worship an aniconic image 2. : without… …   Useful english dictionary

  • aniconic — /an uy kon ik/, adj. 1. not employing or permitting images, idols, etc.: an aniconic religion. 2. not forming an image. 3. of or pertaining to aniconism. [1890 95; AN 1 + ICONIC] * * * …   Universalium

  • aniconic — adjective Of or pertaining to representations without human or animal form . Caliph Abd al Malik instituted a new set of aniconic currency. See Also: aniconism …   Wiktionary

  • aniconic —   a. without idols; (of objects of worship) portrayed symbolically rather than representationally.    ♦ aniconism, n. worship of object symbolising but not representing god; iconoclasm …   Dictionary of difficult words

  • aniconic, aniconism —    Aniconism is the conviction that one should or must avoid naturalistic figurative representation. This sort of prohibition can be found in several cultures. As a feature of Islamic art, its intended as as a measure against idolatry. Also see… …   Glossary of Art Terms

  • Buddhist symbolism — appeared from around the 3rd century BCE, and started with aniconic symbolism, avoiding direct representations of the Buddha. Anthropomorphic symbolism appeared from around the 1st century CE with the arts of Mathura and the Greco Buddhist art of …   Wikipedia

  • Aniconism — is the practice or belief in avoiding or shunning the graphic representation of divine beings or religious figures, or in different manifestations, any human beings or living creatures. The term aniconic may be used to describe the absence of… …   Wikipedia

  • Aniconism in Islam — is a proscription against the creation of images of God in Islam. Other forms of aniconism in Islam prohibit the depiction of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, which is the consensual view among sunni Muslims,or even, in the case of more extreme case …   Wikipedia

  • Aniconism in Buddhism — Buddhist art used to be aniconicFact|date=February 2007: the Buddha was only represented through his symbols (an empty throne, the Bodhi tree, the Buddha s footprints, the prayer wheel). This reluctance towards anthropomorphic representations of… …   Wikipedia

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