- inordinancy
- in·or·di·nan·cy
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
inordinancy — noun see inordinance … Useful english dictionary
prodigality — n 1. extravagance, profligacy, waste, wastefulness, squandering, improvidence, thriftlessness; liberality, munificence, generosity, generousness, open handedness, free handedness. 2. abundance, plenty, plentitude, bounty, cornucopia, horn of… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
extreme — [adj1] very great acute, consummate, high, highest, intense, maximal, maximum, severe, sovereign, supreme, top, ultimate, utmost, uttermost; concepts 569,771,781 Ant. limited, mild, moderate extreme [adj2] beyond reason and convention absolute,… … New thesaurus