- interactional
- in·ter·ac·tion·al
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Interactional expertise — is part of a more complex classification of expertise developed by Harry Collins and Robert Evans (both based at Cardiff University) and first published in Social Studies of Science in June 2002 (Collins and Evans 2002). In this initial… … Wikipedia
Interactional sociolinguistics — is concerned with how speakers signal and interpret meaning in social interaction. The term and the perspective are grounded in the work of John Gumperz (1982a, 1982b) who blended insights and tools from anthropology, linguistics, pragmatics, and … Wikipedia
Interactional justice — is defined by sociologist John R. Schermerhorn as the ...degree to which the people affected by decision are treated by dignity and respect. ( John R. Schermerhorn, Organizational behavior) The theory focuses on the interpersonal treatment people … Wikipedia
interactional — adjective see interaction … New Collegiate Dictionary
interactional — adjective Of, pertaining to, or featuring interaction … Wiktionary
interactional — adjective capable of acting on or influencing each other • Syn: ↑interactive • Similar to: ↑reciprocal, ↑mutual • Derivationally related forms: ↑interact (for: ↑in … Useful english dictionary
interactional field theories — See sequence analysis … Dictionary of sociology
interaction — interactional, adj. /in teuhr ak sheuhn/, n. 1. reciprocal action, effect, or influence. 2. Physics. a. the direct effect that one kind of particle has on another, in particular, in inducing the emission or absorption of one particle by another.… … Universalium
Organizational justice — The term organizational justice was coined by Greenberg (1987) and is defined as an individual’s perception of and reactions to fairness in an organization. Justice or fairness refers to the idea that an action or decision is morally right, which … Wikipedia
Trading zones — The metaphor of a trading zone is being applied to collaborations in science and technology. The basis of the metaphor is anthropological studies of how different cultures are able to exchange goods, despite differences in language and culture.… … Wikipedia