- interfluvial
- in·ter·fluvial
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
interfluvial — See interfluve. * * * … Universalium
interfluvial — in|ter|flu|vi|al Mot Agut Adjectiu invariable … Diccionari Català-Català
interfluvial — a. between two rivers flowing in same direction. ♦ interfluve, n. such area … Dictionary of difficult words
interfluvial — |intə(r)+ adjective Etymology: inter + fluvial : lying between streams … Useful english dictionary
interfluve — interfluvial, adj. /in teuhr floohv /, n. the land area separating adjacent stream valleys. [1900 05; back formation from interfluvial lying between streams. See INTER , FLUVIAL] * * * … Universalium
Somalia — Somalian, adj., n. /soh mah lee euh, mahl yeuh/, n. an independent republic on the E coast of Africa, formed from the former British Somaliland and the former Italian Somaliland. 9,940,232; 246,198 sq. mi. (637,653 sq. km). Cap.: Mogadishu.… … Universalium
Kimek Khanate — The Kimek Khanate, also spelled Kimäk Khanate and Kimak Kaganate was a prominent medieval Turkic state formed by the Kimek and Kipchak people in the area of the Ob Irtysh interfluvial. It existed as the Kimak Kaganate from approximately 743 to… … Wikipedia
Sundrun River — The Sundrun River is a river in the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) of the Russian Federation. It crosses the tundra first in a roughly eastern and then, more than halfway through its course, in a northern direction. It flows into the East Siberian Sea… … Wikipedia
Khroma River — The Khroma River is a river in the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) of the Russian Federation. It crosses the tundra roughly northeastwards and flows into Khromskaya Bay which is connected with the East Siberian Sea. Owing to its extreme northerly… … Wikipedia
interfluve — [ ɪntəflu:v] noun Geology a region between the valleys of adjacent watercourses. Derivatives interfluvial adjective Origin early 20th cent.: back formation from interfluvial … English new terms dictionary