- intersticed
- in·ter·sticed
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Intersticed — In*ter sticed, a. Provided with interstices; having interstices between; situated at intervals. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
intersticed — stə̇st adjective : provided with interstices : having interstices between : situated at intervals intersticed fence palings … Useful english dictionary
interstice — intersticed, adj. /in terr stis/, n., pl. interstices / steuh seez , steuh siz/. 1. an intervening space. 2. a small or narrow space or interval between things or parts, esp. when one of a series of alternating uniform spaces and parts: the… … Universalium
open — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) adj. unclosed (see opening); unfilled, unengaged; free, public; unrestrained, unrestricted; frank, overt; spread out, unfolded, revealed. v. unfasten; unfold, spread out; reveal, disclose; start,… … English dictionary for students