- jadishness
- jad·ish·ness
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
jadishness — noun see jadish … Useful english dictionary
jade — jade1 jadelike, adj. /jayd/, n. 1. either of two minerals, jadeite or nephrite, sometimes green, highly esteemed as an ornamental stone for carvings, jewelry, etc. 2. an object, as a carving, made from this material. 3. Also called jade green.… … Universalium
jade — I. /dʒeɪd / (say jayd) noun 1. either of two minerals, jadeite or nephrite, sometimes green, highly esteemed as an ornamental stone for carvings, jewellery, etc. 2. Also, jade green. green; varying from bluish green to yellowish green. {French,… …