- juvenilization
- ju·ve·nil·iza·tion
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
juvenilization — noun a) The act or process of juvenilizing. b) The retention, by adults in a species, of traits previously seen only in juveniles. Syn: neoteny … Wiktionary
juvenilization — noun see juvenilize … Useful english dictionary
juvenilize — juvenilization, n. /jooh veuh nl uyz /, v.t., juvenilized, juvenilizing. 1. to make juvenile or immature: to juvenilize the classics for quick reading. 2. to make suitable for or more appealing to children. Also, esp. Brit., juvenilise. [1825 35; … Universalium
Neoteny — For the topic of soil formation, see Pedogenesis. human body proportion changes with age … Wikipedia
Comics vocabulary — consists of many different techniques and images which a comic book artist employs in order to convey a narrative within the medium of comics. This vocabulary forms a language variously identified as sequential art, graphic storytelling,… … Wikipedia
Flashbacks (book) — Flashbacks is Timothy Leary s auto biography published in 1983. It has two parts. Part one is titled Metamorphosis: The End of the Old and contains chapters 1 through 21. Part two is titled Paedomorphosis Juvenilization and contains chapters 22… … Wikipedia
Mongoloid race — The term Mongoloid is a variation of the word Mongol , meaning Mongol like . It has been coined as a racial category to describe the distinctive appearance of East Asian peoples. Today it is most used in discussions of human prehistory,… … Wikipedia
Les Artistes associés — United Artists Ne doit pas être confondu avec United Artists Theatres ou United Artists Lot. Logotype actuel de United Artists … Wikipédia en Français
United Artists — Ne doit pas être confondu avec United Artists Theatres ni United Artists Lot. Logotype actuel de United Artists Création … Wikipédia en Français
United Artists Corporation — United Artists Ne doit pas être confondu avec United Artists Theatres ou United Artists Lot. Logotype actuel de United Artists … Wikipédia en Français