- kermanji
- ker·man·ji
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
kermanji — kə(r)ˈmänjē noun ( s) Usage: capitalized Etymology: Kurdish 1. : the western dialect of the Kurdish language spoken in the region of eastern Turkey 2. : the Kurdish language … Useful english dictionary
Kurmanji — Northern Kurdish Spoken in Turkey, Iraq, Syria, neighboring countries Native speakers unknown (4.0 million in Turkey cited 1980) 2.8 million in Iraq (2004) 2.5 million elsewhere (1988–2004) … Wikipedia
Sonqor — or Songhor Koliai ( Kulliye meaning; having everything also a charitable purposes [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kulliye] ) is a Mountainous county of Kermanshah Province. According to 1996 census, Sonqor had a population of 112,214. It consists… … Wikipedia
e-3, ei-, i-, fem. ī- (*ḫeĝ(h)om) — e 3, ei , i , fem. ī (*ḫeĝ(h)om) English meaning: this, etc. (demonstrative stem); one Note: Root e 3, ei , i , fem. ī : “this, etc. (demonstrative stem); one” derived from the reduced Root eĝ , eĝ(h)om, eĝō : “I”. Indic languages … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary
septm̥ (*sek̂ʷh-) — septm̥ (*sek̂ʷh ) English meaning: seven Deutsche Übersetzung: ‘sieben” Note: Root septm̥ (*sek̂ʷh ) : seven derived from a mutated Root su̯ek̂s, sek̂s, ksek̂s, ksu̯ek̂s, u̯ek̂s (: uk̂s) : six; common Gk. celt. kʷ > p, gʷ >… … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary
su̯ek̂s, sek̂s, ksek̂s, ksu̯ek̂s, u̯ek̂s (: uk̂s) (*ghe-ska) — su̯ek̂s, sek̂s, ksek̂s, ksu̯ek̂s, u̯ek̂s (: uk̂s) (*ghe ska) English meaning: six Deutsche Übersetzung: ‘sechs” Material: O.Ind. ṣáṭ (from saṭṣ), Av. xšvaš; Arm. vec̣ (in vat’sun “60” is a from e umgelautet); Gk. ἕξ, dial. Fέξ … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary