- ketonize
- ke·to·nize
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
ketonize — ke·to·nize or Brit ke·to·nise kē .tō .nīz vb, nized or Brit nised; niz·ing or Brit nis·ing vt to convert into a ketone vi to become converted into a ketone ke·to·ni·za·tion or Brit ke·to·ni·sa·tion .kēt ə nə zā shən n … Medical dictionary
ketonize — ˈkēˌtōˌnīz verb ( ed/ ing/ s) Etymology: ketone + ize transitive verb : to convert into a ketone intransitive verb : to become converted into a ketone … Useful english dictionary
ketone — n. chemical compound of carbon, obtained by distilling salts of organic acids. ♦ ketonaemia, n. presence of ketone, especially acetone, in blood. ♦ ketonic, a. ♦ ketonize, v.t. convert into ketone. ♦ ketogenesis, n. production of… … Dictionary of difficult words