- antepagmenta
- an·te·pag·men·ta
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
ANTEPAGMENTA — veteribus Antipagmenta, ab ante, valvatum ornamenta sunt, quae Antis adpanguntur, i. e. affiguntur. Fest. Quae proin male nonnulli confundunt, cum Antis: Antae enim lapideae, ut dictum, Antepagmenta lignea, quae ornamenti gratiâ Antas operiunt.… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
antepagmenta — noun plural see antepagments … Useful english dictionary
Chambranle — (Moravec, Czech Republic) In architecture and joinery, the chambranle is the border, frame, or ornament, made of stone or wood, that is a component of the three sides round chamber doors, large windows, and chimneys. When a chambranle is plain… … Wikipedia
chambranle — noun In architecture, the case or frame used on three sides around a chamber door, large window, or fireplace mantel, and the border decorations. Syn: door case … Wiktionary
jambe — Jambe, proprement c est la partie de l homme, et de toute beste, depuis le montant ou cheville du pied, jusques au genouil ou jarret, Tibia, Le Picard, comme aussi fait le Languedoc et nations adjacentes, dit gambe, du mot Grec… … Thresor de la langue françoyse