- kvetcher
- kvetch·er
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
kvetcher — noun see kvetch I … New Collegiate Dictionary
kvetcher — noun A person who kvetches; a complainer, kvetch … Wiktionary
kvetcher — noun see kvetch I … Useful english dictionary
Klage (Verhalten) — Maria, Johannes und Frauen aus Galilea beklagen den Tod Christi. Gemälde von Hans Memling aus dem späten 15. Jahrhundert. Eine Klage im Sinne der Kulturwissenschaft und der Psychologie ist eine soziale Handlung, die darin besteht, dass ein Mensch … Deutsch Wikipedia
kvetch — I. intransitive verb Etymology: Yiddish kvetshn, literally, to squeeze, pinch, from Middle High German quetschen Date: circa 1952 to complain habitually ; gripe • kvetcher noun II. noun Date: 1964 1 … New Collegiate Dictionary
kvetch — /kvech/, Slang. v.i. 1. to complain, esp. chronically. n. 2. Also, kvetcher. a person who kvetches. [1960 65, Amer.; < Yiddish kvetshn lit., to squeeze, pinch; cf. MHG, G quetschen] * * * … Universalium
kvetch — 1. noun /kvɛʧ/ a) Person who endlessly whines or complains. b) Person who finds fault with anything. 2. adjective /kvɛʧ/ Describing a kvetch or kvetcher. 3. verb /kvɛʧ/ To whine or complain, often needlessly … Wiktionary
kvetch — (kvehtch) [Yiddish, from German] To complain, grumble, or whine, especially habitually. One who kvetches is a kvetcher. The majority joined the group to gossip and kvetch about their employers … Dictionary of foreign words and phrases
kvetch — ☆ kvetch [kə vech′ ] vi. [< Yiddish kvechen < Ger quetschen, to pinch, squeeze < MHG quetsen < IE base * gwedh , to injure, destroy] Slang 1. to be urgent or insistent; press; strain 2. to complain in a nagging or whining way n. Slang … English World dictionary