- labadism
- lab·a·dism
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
labadism — ˈlabəˌdizəm noun ( s) Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: French labadisme, from Jean de Labadie died 1674 French religious reformer + French isme ism : the doctrines and practices of Labadists … Useful english dictionary
Anna Maria van Schurman — (November 5, 1607 ndash;May 4/May 14, 1678) was a Dutch poet and scholar. She was a highly educated woman by seventeenth century standards. She excelled in art, music, and literature, and became proficient in 14 languages including contemporary… … Wikipedia
Labadie, Jean de — (1610 1674) mystic and reformer Born in Bourg, Guyenne, Jean de Labadie, a Jesuit, then an oratorian priest, was drawn for some time to Jansenism before converting to Calvinism at Montauban in 1650. As pastor at Middelbourg, the Netherlands … France. A reference guide from Renaissance to the Present