- lecheguilla
- lech·e·gui·lla
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
lecheguilla — noun see lechuguilla … Useful english dictionary
Agave lecheguilla — Agave lecheguilla … Wikipédia en Français
Agave lecheguilla — lechuguilla, a species that grows in the southwestern United States and Mexico; it contains sapotoxins that cause diarrhea, as well as a photodynamic substance that causes lechuguilla fever in sheep and goats … Medical dictionary
List of plants by common name (Sonoran Desert) — This is a List of plants by common name (Sonoran Desert), for the Sonoran Desert and local environs; (S California, etc New Mexico, S, SW or Rio Grande Valley Northern Mexico states: Sonora, Chihuahua and Baja California, North and South, and… … Wikipedia
Sisalfaser — Fasertyp Naturfaser, Blattfaser Herkunft Verschiedene Agaven Eigenschaften … Deutsch Wikipedia
Organ Mountains — The Organ Mountains are a rugged mountain range in southern New Mexico in the southwestern United States. They lie convert|10|mi|km|0|lk=on east of the city of Las Cruces, in Doña Ana County. The Organ Mountains are near the southern end of a… … Wikipedia
Lechuguilla Desert — The Lechuguilla Desert is a small desert located in southwestern Arizona near the U.S. Mexico border. It is considered to be part of the Lower Colorado Valley region of the Sonoran Desert. It lies in a north south direction between the Gila… … Wikipedia
List of Agave species — This is a list of species, varieties and cultivars of genus Agave .A* Agave aboriginum * Agave abortiva * Agave abrupta * Agave acicularis * Agave acklinicola * Agave affinis * Agave × ajoensis = Agave schottii var. schottii × Agave deserti var.… … Wikipedia
Agave — deserti im Palm Canyon im Süden von Palm Springs (Kalifornien) Systematik … Deutsch Wikipedia
Ariocarpus — retusus Blüte Systematik Kerneudikotyledonen Ordnung: Nelkenartige … Deutsch Wikipedia