- lesch-nyhan
- lesch-ny·han
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Lesch–Nyhan syndrome — Lesch Nyhan syndrome Classification and external resources ICD 10 E79.1 ICD 9 277.2 … Wikipedia
Lesch-Nyhan syndrome — Lesch Ny·han syndrome lesh nī ən n a rare and usu. fatal genetic disorder of male children that is inherited as an X linked recessive trait and is characterized by hyperuricemia, mental retardation, spasticity, compulsive biting of the lips and… … Medical dictionary
Lesch-Nyhan, enfermedad de — patol. Enfermedad hereditaria de transmisión recesiva ligada al cromosoma X caracterizada por la ausencia del enzima hipoxantin guanin fosforibosil transferasa que interviene en el metabolismo de la purina. La enfermedad se manifiesta porque los… … Diccionario médico
Lesch-Nyhan syndrome — Lesch Nyhan syndrome. См. синдром Леша Найхана. (Источник: «Англо русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд во ВНИРО, 1995 г.) … Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.
Lesch-Nyhan syndrome — Infobox Disease Name = Lesch Nyhan syndrome Caption = Philip Baker, an adult with Lesch Nyhan Syndrome. Visible in this picture are the restraints on Philip s chair that he must use to control his involuntary movement. ICD10 = ICD10|E|79|1|e|70… … Wikipedia
Lesch-Nyhan-Syndrom — Klassifikation nach ICD 10 E79.1 Lesch Nyhan Syndrom … Deutsch Wikipedia
Lesch-Nyhan Syndrom — Klassifikation nach ICD 10 E79.1 Lesch Nyhan Syndrom … Deutsch Wikipedia
lesch-nyhan syndrome — ¦leshˈnīən noun also lesch nyhan disease Usage: usually capitalized L&N Etymology: after Michael Lesch b1939 American cardiologist and William L. Nyhan b1926 American pediatrician : a rare and usually fatal genetic disorder of male children that… … Useful english dictionary
Lesch-Nyhan syndrome — ▪ pathology hereditary metabolic disorder affecting the central nervous system and characterized by incoordination, mental retardation, aggressive behaviour, and compulsive biting. The cause of the syndrome is a defective organic catalyst… … Universalium
lesch-nyhan disease — noun see lesch nyhan syndrome … Useful english dictionary