- leukocytogenesis
- leu·ko·cy·to·gen·e·sis
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
leukocytogenesis — The formation and development of leukocytes. [leukocyte + G. genesis, production] * * * leu·ko·cy·to·gen·e·sis or chiefly Brit leu·co·cy·to·gen·e·sis .lü kə .sīt ə jen ə səs n, pl e·ses .sēz LEUKOPOIESIS * * * leu·ko·cy·to·gen·e·sis (loo″ko … Medical dictionary
leukocytogenesis — … Useful english dictionary
leukopoiesis — Formation and development of the various types of white blood cells. SYN: leukocytopoiesis. [leuko + G. poiesis, a making] * * * leu·ko·poi·e·sis or chiefly Brit leu·co·poi·e·sis pȯi ē səs n, pl e·ses .sēz the formation of white blood cells… … Medical dictionary
leucinuria — The excretion of leucine in the urine. * * * leu·cin·uria .lü sə n(y)u̇r ē ə n the presence of leucine in the urine Each boldface word in the list below is a chiefly British variant of the word to its right in small capitals. leucoagglutinin… … Medical dictionary