

English syllables. 2014.

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  • antihemophilic globulin — or chiefly Brit antihaemophilic globulin n FACTOR VIII * * * (AHG) factor VIII; see under coagulation factors, at factor …   Medical dictionary

  • antihemophilic factor (human) — antihemophilic f. (def. 3) …   Medical dictionary

  • antihemophilic globulin — noun a coagulation factor (trade name Hemofil) whose absence is associated with hemophilia A • Syn: ↑antihemophilic factor, ↑antihaemophilic factor, ↑antihaemophilic globulin, ↑factor VIII, ↑Hemofil • Usage Domain: ↑trade name …   Useful english dictionary

  • antihemophilic factor — an·ti·he·mo·phil·ic factor or chiefly Brit an·ti·hae·mo·phil·ic factor .hē mə .fil ik n FACTOR VIII * * * (AHF) 1. f. VIII, see under coagulation f s. 2. a preparation of factor VIII used in the treatment of hemophilia A, including preparations… …   Medical dictionary

  • antihemophilic factor — noun a coagulation factor (trade name Hemofil) whose absence is associated with hemophilia A • Syn: ↑antihaemophilic factor, ↑antihemophilic globulin, ↑antihaemophilic globulin, ↑factor VIII, ↑Hemofil • Usage Domain: ↑trade name …   Useful english dictionary

  • antihemophilic human plasma — normal human plasma that has been processed promptly to preserve the antihemophilic properties of the original blood; used for temporary correction of bleeding tendency in hemophilia …   Medical dictionary

  • antihemophilic — adjective That counteracts bleeding in hemophiliacs …   Wiktionary

  • antihemophilic — an·ti·he·mo·phil·ic (an″te ) (an″ti he″mo filґik) 1. counteracting hemophilia. 2. an agent that counteracts hemophilia …   Medical dictionary

  • antihemophilic — adj. acting against hemophilia (hereditary disorder characterized by a failure of the blood to clot normally) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • antihemophilic factor — noun Date: 1947 factor VIII …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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