- linalool
- lin·al·o·ol
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Linalool — Nombre IUPAC 2,6 dimetil 2,7 octadien 6 ol Fórmula molecular C10H18O Masa molecular … Wikipedia Español
Linaloŏl — C10H18O findet sich in der rechtsdrehenden Modifikation im Korianderöl (Koriandrol), in der linksdrehenden (teils als Ester) im Linaloeöl, Bergamott , Neroli , Limettöl, im Lavendel , Thymian öl, russischen Krauseminzöl, Ylang Ylangöl etc.… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
linalool — [lin al′ō ôl΄, linal′ə ōl΄; lin΄ə lo͞ol′] n. [< MexSp linaloa, an aromatic Mexican wood (< Sp lináloe < ML lignum aloës: see LIGNALOES) + OL1] a terpene alcohol, C10H17OH, in several essential oils, used in perfumery … English World dictionary
Linalool — Strukturformel (S) (+) Linalool (links) und (R) (−) Linalool (rechts) … Deutsch Wikipedia
Linalool — Chembox new ImageFile = Linalool skeletal.png ImageSize = IUPACName = 3,7 dimethylocta 1,6 dien 3 ol Section1 = Chembox Identifiers CASNo = 78 70 6 PubChem = 6549 SMILES = CC(O)(C=C)CCC=C(C)C InChI = 1/C10H18O/c1 5 10 (4,11)8 6 7 9(2)3/h5,… … Wikipedia
Linalool — Li|na|lo|ol [spätlat. lignum aloes = Aloeholz (Bot.); ↑ ol (1)], das; s, e; Syn.: 3,7 Dimethylocta 1,6 dien 3 ol: farbloser, blumig riechender Terpenalkohol, Sdp. 200 °C, der wie seine Ester (z. B. Linalylacetat) zur Herst. von Parfüms eingesetzt … Universal-Lexikon
linalool — linalolis statusas T sritis chemija formulė (CH₃)₂C=CHCH₂CH₂C(OH)(CH₃)CH=CH₂ atitikmenys: angl. linalyl alcohol; linalool rus. линалиловый спирт; линалоол ryšiai: sinonimas – linalilo alkoholis sinonimas – 3,7 dimetil 1,6 oktadien 3 olis … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Linalool 8-monooxygenase — In enzymology, a linalool 8 monooxygenase (EC number| is an enzyme that catalyzes the chemical reaction:3,7 dimethylocta 1,6 dien 3 ol + AH2 + O2 ightleftharpoons (E) 3,7 dimethylocta 1,6 dien 3,8 diol + A + H2OThe 3 substrates of this … Wikipedia
linalool — noun Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary, from Mexican Spanish lináloe, tree yielding perfume, from Medieval Latin lignum aloes, literally, wood of the aloe Date: 1891 a fragrant liquid alcohol C10H18O that occurs both free and in the… … New Collegiate Dictionary
linalool — /li nal oh awl , ol , lin euh loohl /, n. Chem. a colorless, unsaturated terpene liquid alcohol, C10H18O, having a fragrance similar to that of bergamot oil, obtained from several essential oils: used in perfumery. Also, linalol /lin euh lawl ,… … Universalium
linalool — noun /lɪˈnæləʊɒl,lɪˈnæloʊəl/ A monoterpene alcohol found in many essential oils … Wiktionary