

English syllables. 2014.

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  • bil|lionth — «BIHL yuhnth», adjective, noun. –adj. 1. coming last in a series of a billion. 2. being one of a billion equal parts. –n. 1. the billionth member of a series. 2. one of a billion equal parts …   Useful english dictionary

  • de|cil|lionth — «dih SIHL yuhnth», adjective, noun. –adj. 1. having to do with a decillion. 2. having the magnitude or position of one of a decillion equal parts. –n. 1. the quotient of unity divided by a decillion. 2. one of a decillion equal parts …   Useful english dictionary

  • mil|lionth — «MIHL yuhnth», adjective, noun. 1. last in a series of one million. 2. one, or being one, of a million equal parts …   Useful english dictionary

  • no|nil|lionth — «noh NIHL yuhnth», adjective, noun. 1. last in a series of a nonillion. 2. one of a nonillion equal parts …   Useful english dictionary

  • oc|til|lionth — «ok TIHL yuhnth», noun, adjective. 1. last in a series of an octillion. 2. one of an octillion equal parts …   Useful english dictionary

  • quad|ril|lionth — «kwod RIHL yuhnth», noun, adjective. –n. 1. the last in a series of a quadrillion. 2. one of a quadrillion equal parts. –adj. last in a series of a quadrillion …   Useful english dictionary

  • quin|til|lionth — «kwihn TIHL yuhnth», adjective, noun. –adj. last in a series of a quintillion. –n. 1. the last in a series of a quintillion. 2. one of a quintillion equal parts …   Useful english dictionary

  • sep|til|lionth — «sehp TIHL yuhnth», adjective, noun. 1. last in a series of a septillion. 2. one (or being one) of a septillion equal parts …   Useful english dictionary

  • sex|til|lionth — «sehks TIHL yuhnth», adjective, noun. 1. last in a series of sextillion. 2. one, or being one, of a sextillion equal parts …   Useful english dictionary

  • tril|lionth — «TRIHL yuhnth», adjective, noun. –adj. 1. being last in order of a series of a trillion. 2. being one of a trillion equal parts. –n. one of a trillion equal parts; the quotient of unity divided by a trillion …   Useful english dictionary

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