

English syllables. 2014.

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  • localistic — |lōkə|listik, tēk adjective : locally oriented or limited : concerned or associated with a particular locality a localistic theory of disease the colonist s localistic defense of home W.L.Miller …   Useful english dictionary

  • Union (American Civil War) — Map of the division of the states during the Civil War. Blue represents Union states, including those admitted during the war; light blue represents Union states which permitted slavery (border states); red represents Confederate states. White or …   Wikipedia

  • Culture of New York City — The Theatre District around Times Square is the center of commercial theatrical activity in New York City and the U.S. The culture of New York City is reflected by the city s size and variety. Many American cultural movements first emerged in the …   Wikipedia

  • Localism (politics) — Localism describes a range of political philosophies which prioritise the local. Generally they support local production and consumption of goods, local control of government, and local culture and identity. Localist politics have been approached …   Wikipedia

  • Ohio in the American Civil War — Union States in the American Civil War California Connecticut Illinois Indiana Iowa …   Wikipedia

  • Lu Rongting — (陸榮廷) (1856 1927) was born in Wuming, Guangxi province in China. Originating as a common bandit, Lu became a military commander in Guangxi in the Qing dynasty and suppressed the revolutionary uprising at Zhennan Pass (now Friendship Pass) on the… …   Wikipedia

  • Hinduism — /hin dooh iz euhm/, n. the common religion of India, based upon the religion of the original Aryan settlers as expounded and evolved in the Vedas, the Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita, etc., having an extremely diversified character with many… …   Universalium

  • localism — localist, n. localistic, adj. /loh keuh liz euhm/, n. 1. a word, phrase, pronunciation, or manner of speaking that is peculiar to one locality. 2. a local custom. 3. excessive devotion to and promotion of the interests of a particular locality;… …   Universalium

  • localist — (n.) 1680s, from LOCAL (Cf. local) (adj.) + IST (Cf. ist). Related: Localistic …   Etymology dictionary

  • localism — [lō′kəl iz΄əm] n. 1. a way of acting characteristic of one locality; local custom, practice, or mannerism 2. a word, meaning, expression, pronunciation, etc. peculiar to one locality 3. fondness for a particular locality 4. narrow outlook;… …   English World dictionary

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