

English syllables. 2014.

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  • LYCEUM — gy mnasium celeberrimum iuxta Athenas, a Pisistrato vel Pericle exstructum, in quo Aristoteles frequentissimo auditorio Philosophiam profitebatur, quemadmodum Plato in Academia. Cic. 1. Acad. Qui erant cum Aristotele, Peripatetici dicti sunt,… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Lyceum — Ly*ce um, n.; pl. E. {Lyceums}, L. {Lycea}. [L. lyceum, Gr. ?, so named after the neighboring temple of ? ? Apollo the wolf slayer, prob. fr. ? belonging to a wolf, fr ? wolf. See {Wolf}.] 1. A place of exercise with covered walks, in the suburbs …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • lyceum — 1580s, Latin form of Gk. lykeion, name of a grove or garden with covered walks near Athens where Aristotle taught, from neut. of Lykeios wolf slayer, an epithet of Apollo, whose temple was nearby, from lykos wolf. Hence lycée, name given in… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Lyceum — [lī sē′əm, lī′sēəm] [L < Gr Lykeion, the Lyceum: so called from the neighboring temple of Apollōn Lykeios] the grove at Athens where Aristotle taught …   English World dictionary

  • lyceum — [lī sē′əm, lī′sēəm] n. [after the LYCEUM in Athens] 1. a hall where public lectures or discussions are held 2. an organization presenting public lectures, concerts, etc. 3. LYCÉE …   English World dictionary

  • Lycēum — (lat.), 1) so v.w. Lykeion (s.d.); nach diesem Gymnasium nannte Cicero u. Kaiser Hadrian so 2) den Platz des Gymnasiums jener auf seinem Tusculanum, dieser auf seinem Tiburtinum; 3) gelehrte Schule, welche die Schüler für höhere Klassen eines… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Lyceum — Lyceum, s. Lyzeum …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Lyceum — Lyceum, dem Apollo geheiligter Platz bei Athen, in welchem Aristoteles lehrte; ursprünglich zu körperlichen Uebungen bestimmt, daher jetzt Name höherer Lehranstalten, der Vorschulen für die Universität …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • lyceum — index institute Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • Lyceum — Lyceum, højere skole, gymnasium …   Danske encyklopædi

  • Lyceum — This article is about Lyceum as school or as public hall. Lyceum can also be short for Lyceum Theatre. For the blogging platform, see Lyceum (software). For the Open University synchronous CMC software see Lyceum (synchronous CMC software) A… …   Wikipedia

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