

English syllables. 2014.

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  • lykewake — ˈlīˌkwāk noun Etymology: Middle English lych wake, from lych, lich lich + wake now chiefly Scotland : the night watch kept over a corpse compare wake II 3a …   Useful english dictionary

  • latewake — ˈlāt.ˌwāk dialect Britain variant of lykewake * * * latewake /lātˈwāk/ noun a mistaken form of ↑lykewake …   Useful english dictionary

  • Lyke Wake Walk — The Lyke Wake Walk was started by a local farmer, Bill Cowley, in the North Riding of Yorkshire, England, in 1955. He claimed that one could walk 40 miles over the North York Moors from east to west (or vice versa) on heather all the way except… …   Wikipedia

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  • likewalk — likewake, likewalk see ↑lykewake • • • Main Entry: ↑like …   Useful english dictionary

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