- macroconidium
- mac·ro·conidium
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
macroconidium — 1. A conidium, or exospore, of large size. 2. In fungi, the larger of two distinctively different sized types of conidia in a single species, thick or thin walled and composed of 2 to 10 cells; characteristic of most dermatophytes and some other… … Medical dictionary
macroconidium — “+ noun (plural macroconidia) Etymology: New Latin, from macr + conidium : a large usually multinucleate conidium of a fungus compare microconidium … Useful english dictionary
Ergot — This article is about the fungi. For the part of a horse s hoof, see Ergot (horse anatomy). Ergot Claviceps purpurea Scientific classification Kingdom … Wikipedia
fuseau — A fusiform or spindle shaped, multiseptate macroconidium. [Fr. spindle fr. L. fusus] * * * fu·seau (fu zoґ) pl. fuseauxґ [Fr.] a macroaleuriospore or macroconidium … Medical dictionary
Glossary of phytopathology — This is a glossary of some of the terms used in phytopathology.Phytopathology is the study of plant diseases. It is a multi disciplinary since prerequisites for disease development are the presence of a susceptible host species, a pathogen and… … Wikipedia
megaspore — SYN: macrospore. * * * mega·spore meg ə .spō(ə)r, .spȯ(ə)r n 1) a spore in heterosporous plants that gives rise to female gametophytes and is generally larger than a microspore 2) MACROSPORE mega·spor·ic .meg ə spōr ik, spȯr adj * * *… … Medical dictionary
microconidium — In fungi, the smaller of two distinctively different sized types of conidia in a single species, usually single celled and spherical, ovoid, pyriform, or clavate. * * * mi·cro·co·nid·i·um kə nid ē əm n, pl nid·ia ē … Medical dictionary
Microsporum canis — Microsporum Canoe shaped macroconidia of Microsporum canis, showing the multiseptate structures. As seen here, M. canis typically exhibits macroconidia with more than six septations per macroconidium spore. Scientific clas … Wikipedia
macroaleuriospore — mac·ro·aleu·rio·spore (mak″ro ə l rґe o spor) a large, usually multicellular, aleuriospore; the term is sometimes used interchangeably with macroconidium … Medical dictionary
microconidium — “+ noun Etymology: New Latin, from micr + conidium : a small conidium as contrasted with a larger conidium both frequently being produced by the same species and differing often in shape (as in members of the genus Fusarium) compare macroconidium … Useful english dictionary