- malkite
- mal·kite
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
malkite — ˈmalˌkīt noun ( s) Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: Syriac malkā king + English ite : melchite * * * Malkite var. Melchite … Useful english dictionary
Boba Fett — SW Character name = Boba Fett bgcolor = #000 fgcolor = #fff color = Mandalorian date of birth = 33 BBY position = Bounty hunter species = Mandalorian Human gender = Maleheight = 1.83 meters (6 0 ) weapon = Mandalorian battle armor, EE 3 blaster… … Wikipedia
Translit — ist ein Methode, um kyrillische Schrift mit lateinischen Buchstaben darzustellen. Der Begriff stammt von Transliteration, die Übertragung von nicht zu übersetzenden Begriffen, wie zum Beispiel Namen oder geographischen Bezeichnungen. Für Translit … Deutsch Wikipedia
BIBLE — THE CANON, TEXT, AND EDITIONS canon general titles the canon the significance of the canon the process of canonization contents and titles of the books the tripartite canon … Encyclopedia of Judaism
LEGAL AND JUDICIAL SYSTEM — UNDER THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE (1876–1917) Judiciary Throughout the period from the promulgation of the Ottoman Constitution of 1876 until the present time there have been both secular and religious courts exercising jurisdiction in the territory of… … Encyclopedia of Judaism