- manistic
- ma·nis·tic
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
manistic — mäˈnistik, māˈ adjective Etymology: manes + istic : of or relating to manism … Useful english dictionary
Manistee — Manistee, 1) (M. od. Manistic River), Fluß im Staate Michigan (Nordamerika), entspringt im Norden der Halbinsel, stießt durch die Grafschaft M. u. fällt nach 35 Ml. in den Michigansee; 2) neue, noch unorganisirte Grafschaft im Nordwesten des… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Slavic religion — Beliefs and religious practices of the ancient Slavic peoples of East Europe, including the Russians, Ukrainians, Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes. Most Slavic mythologies hold that God ordered the devil to bring up a handful… … Universalium
Manutius, Aldus — (vernacular name, Aldo Manuzio, ca. 1452 1515) Italian humanist and teacher who became the greatest printer and publisher of the Italian Renaissance. Born at Rome, he taught at Ferrara and Carpi, and about 1490 moved to Venice. There he gave… … Historical Dictionary of Renaissance
Medici Family — Florentine mercantile and banking family that played a significant part in local politics and from 1434 dominated the political system of Florence through a combination of careful po litical alliances and outright corruption of the electoral… … Historical Dictionary of Renaissance
Milton, John — (1608 1674) English poet, political figure, and au thor of tracts on political and religious issues. Though his life is to tally contained in the 17th century and so falls chronologically into a post Renaissance age, his prodigious mastery of… … Historical Dictionary of Renaissance
Mutianus Rufus — (1470 1527) German humanist, born as Kon rad Mut at Homburg in Hesse, son of a prosperous merchant. He studied at the famous Latin grammar school of St. Lebwin in Deven ter, where the headmaster, Alexander Hegius, had introduced a strong… … Historical Dictionary of Renaissance
Ramus, Petrus — (Pierre de la Ramée, 1515 1572) French philosopher, humanist, teacher, and Protestant martyr, known in his own time mainly as a critic of traditional Aristotelian logic and the whole Aristotelian philosophical tradition. He also criticized the … Historical Dictionary of Renaissance