- mastoidotomy
- mas·toid·ot·o·my
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
mastoidotomy — mas·toid·ot·o·my .mas .tȯid ät ə mē n, pl mies incision of the mastoid * * * mas·toid·ot·o·my (mas″toi dotґə me) [mastoid + tomy] surgical incision of the mastoid process, usually into the antrum … Medical dictionary
mastoidotomy — ˌmaˌstȯiˈdäd.əmē, ˌmaaˌ noun ( es) Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary mastoid (I) + o + tomy : incision of any part of the mastoid … Useful english dictionary
mastoid — a. nipple or breast like; denoting such bony outgrowth behind ear. ♦ mastoidectomy, n. operation to remove mastoid bone. ♦ mastoiditis, n. inflammation of mastoid cells. ♦ mastoidotomy, n. surgical incision into mastoid … Dictionary of difficult words