- mattedness
- mat·ted·ness
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
mattedness — noun ( es) Etymology: matted (I) + ness : the quality or state of being matted … Useful english dictionary
matted — matted1 mattedly, adv. mattedness, n. /mat id/, adj. 1. covered with a dense growth or a tangled mass: a garden matted with weeds. 2. formed into a mat; entangled in a thick mass: matted hair. 3. formed of mats, or of plaited or woven material. 4 … Universalium
tangle — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. snarl, mix up, jumble, mattedness; complication, involvement. v. mat, snarl; knot, mix inextricably; snare, trap, enmesh; catch, perplex; embroil, complicate. See disorder, difficulty. II (Roget s IV) … English dictionary for students