- medullation
- med·ul·la·tion
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
medullation — /med l ay sheuhn, mej euh lay /, n. Biol. the formation of a medullary sheath about a nerve fiber. [MEDULL(A) + ATION] * * * … Universalium
medullation — 1. Acquiring, or the act of formation of, marrow or medulla. 2. SYN: myelination. * * * med·ul·la·tion .med əl ā shən, .mej ə lā n the formation of a medullary sheath or medulla * * * med·ul·la·tion (med″ə laґshən) 1.… … Medical dictionary
medullation — n. formation of a medullary sheath about a nerve (Biology) … English contemporary dictionary
medullation — ˌmedəlˈāshən, ˌmejəˈlā noun ( s) Etymology: medulla + ation 1. : the formation of a medullary sheath or medulla 2. : the condition of being medullated used especially of fibers but sometimes of animals (as sheep) * * * /med l ay sheuhn, mej euh… … Useful english dictionary
myelination — The acquisition, development, or formation of a myelin sheath around a nerve fiber. SYN: medullation (2), myelinization, myelinogenesis. * * * my·e·li·na·tion .mī ə lə nā shən … Medical dictionary
myelinization — SYN: myelination. * * * my·e·lin·iza·tion also Brit my·e·lin·isa·tion .mī ə .lin ə zā shən n MYELINATION * * * my·eli·ni·za·tion (mi″ə lin″ĭ zaґshən) the act of furnishing with or taking on myelin; formation of a myelin … Medical dictionary
myelopoiesis — Formation of the tissue elements of bone marrow, or any of the types of blood cells derived from bone marrow; or both processes. [myelo + G. poiesis, a making] * * * my·e·lo·poi·e·sis .mī ə lō (.)pȯi ē səs n, pl … Medical dictionary