- melanophore
- melano·phore
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
mélanophore — ● mélanophore nom féminin Cellule capable de stocker la mélanine mais non de la fabriquer. mélanophore [melanofɔʀ] n. m. ÉTYM. 1913 in Rev. gén. des sc.; 1839, Boiste, nom d un insecte; de mélano , et phore. ❖ ♦ Didact. Sc. Cellule pigmentaire… … Encyclopédie Universelle
melanophore — [məl′ə nō fôr΄, mə lan′əfôr΄] n. a chromatophore containing melanin, found esp. in coldblooded animals … English World dictionary
melanophore-stimulating hormone — n MELANOCYTE STIMULATING HORMONE … Medical dictionary
melanophore — noun Date: 1903 a melanin containing cell especially of fishes, amphibians, and reptiles … New Collegiate Dictionary
melanophore — a black chromatophore (capable of producing yellows and brown when pigment is thinly dispersed) … Dictionary of ichthyology
melanophore — Cell type found in skin of lower vertebrates (amphibian skin, fish scales) that contains granules of the black pigment melanin. The granules can be rapidly redeployed between a dispersed state (which darkens the skin) and concentration at the… … Dictionary of molecular biology
melanophore — /meuh lan euh fawr , fohr , mel euh neuh /, n. Biol. a pigmented connective tissue cell containing melanin in its cytoplasm, responsible for color changes in many fishes and reptiles. [1900 05; MELANO + PHORE] * * * … Universalium
melanophore — noun A cell containing melanin or other black pigment, such as are found in fish, amphibians, and reptiles See Also: melanophoric … Wiktionary
melanophore — A dermal pigment cell that does not secrete its pigment granules but participates in rapid color changes by intracellular aggregation and dispersal of melanosomes; it is well developed in fish, amphibians, and reptiles, but absent in humans.… … Medical dictionary
Melanophore — Me|la|no|pho|re, die; , n <meist Pl.> [zu griech. phorós = tragend] (Biol.): Melanin enthaltende Zelle in der Haut von Kaltblütern … Universal-Lexikon
Melanophore — Me|la|no|pho|re die; , n (meist Plur.) <zu ↑...phor> Melanin enthaltende Zelle in der Haut von Kaltblütern, die der Hautverfärbung dient (z. B. der Anpassung an die Umwelt; Biol.) … Das große Fremdwörterbuch