- meridic
- me·rid·ic
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
meridic — məˈridik adjective Etymology: Greek merid , meris part + English ic; akin to Greek meros part more at merit : having some but not all active constituents chemically defined insects reared on a meridic diet compare holidic … Useful english dictionary
holidic — häˈlidik, hōˈ adjective Etymology: hol + idic (as in meridic herein) : having the active constituents chemically defined holidic diets compare meridic herein oligidic herein … Useful english dictionary
oligidic — ˌäləˈgidik, ˌōl , ˈji adjective Etymology: olig + idic (as in meridic herein) : having the active constituents with the exception of water undefined chemically oligidic growth medium compare holidic herein meridic herein … Useful english dictionary
UPLANDIA — vulgo Upland, provinc. Suevoniae, ubi urbes Upsalia et Holmia, caput Succiae. Terminatur a Septentrione Gestriciâ, ab Ortu mari Balticô, ab Occasu Westmanniâ, a Meridic Sudermanniâ; abundaus et prope culta. Eius caput Upsalia, alias regni caput … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale