

English syllables. 2014.

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  • metathetely — n. [Gr. meta, after; theein, to run; telos, end] (ARTHROPODA) 1. A neotenous adult arthropod after undergoing normal or more than normal numbers of molts. 2. In Insecta, often resulting in failure to develop wings, or forming brachypterous adults …   Dictionary of invertebrate zoology

  • metathetely — mə̇ˈtathəˌtelē noun ( es) Etymology: Greek metathetos changed, changeable (verbal of metatithenai to transpose, change) + telos end, completion, maturity + English y more at wheel 1. : retardation of development in insect larvae without… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Ontogeny and Phylogeny (book) — Ontogeny and Phylogeny is Stephen Jay Gould s first technical book, published in 1977 by Belknap, a division of Harvard University Press. Gould wrote that Ernst Mayr suggested in passing that he write the book, but that I only began it as a… …   Wikipedia

  • neoteiny — n. [Gr. neos, young; teinein, to extend] 1. A term referring to the condition in which the gonad completes its development prematurely before the normal differentiation of imaginal structures are completed; see hysterotely. 2. (ARTHROPODA)… …   Dictionary of invertebrate zoology

  • prothetely — n. [Gr. pro, before; theein, to run; telos, completion] 1. (ARTHROPODA) A neotenous adult arthropod having undergone less than the normal number of molts; see metathetely, hysterotely. 2. (ARTHROPODA: Insecta) Resulting in two pairs of fully… …   Dictionary of invertebrate zoology

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