- methonium
- me·th·o·ni·um
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
methonium — me·tho·ni·um mə thō nē əm n any of several bivalent doubled substituted ammonium ions (as decamethonium or hexamethonium) in which the two quaternary nitrogen atoms are separated by a polymethylene chain <methonium salts used in the treatment… … Medical dictionary
methonium — mə̇ˈthōnēəm noun ( s) Etymology: New Latin, from meth + onium : any of several bivalent doubled substituted ammonium ions (as decamethonium or hexamethonium) in which the two quaternary nitrogen atoms are separated by a polymethylene chain… … Useful english dictionary
Carboniumionen — CH5+ (Methonium Ion) Das Carboniumion ist eine besondere Art von Carbokationen. Die Bezeichnung wurde in Analogie zu den Ammoniumionen gewählt. Es ist ein nicht klassisches Carbokation, da es einen fünfbindigen Kohlenstoff enthält. Nicht zu… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Neuromuscular-blocking drug — Global view of a neuromuscular junction: 1. Axon 2. Motor end plate 3. Muscle fiber 4. Myofibril … Wikipedia
Quaternary ammonium muscle relaxants — are quaternary ammonium salts used as drugs for muscle relaxation, most commonly in anasthesia. It is necessary to prevent spontaneous movement of muscle during surgical operations. Muscle relaxants inhibit neuron transmission to muscle by… … Wikipedia
Carboniumion — CH5+ (Methonium Ion) formuliert als 3 Zentren 2 Elektronen Bindung[1] Das Carboniumion ist eine besondere Art von Carbokationen. Die Bezeichnung wurde in Analogie zu den Ammoniumionen gewählt. Es ist ein nicht klassisches Carbokation, da es einen … Deutsch Wikipedia
Onium compounds — are cations derived by the protonation of mononuclear parent hydrides of elements of the nitrogen group (Group 15), chalcogens (Group 16), or halogens (Group 17), and similar cations derived by the substitution of hydrogen atoms in the former by… … Wikipedia
Гексаметония бензосульфонат — Статья инструкция. Текст данной статьи практически полностью повторяет инструкцию по применению лекарственного средства, предоставляемую его производителем. Это нарушает правило о недопустимости инструкций в энциклопедических статьях. Кроме того … Википедия
carbonium ion — /kahr boh nee euhm/ an organic ion containing a positively charged carbon atom (opposed to carbanion). [CARBON + IUM] * * * ▪ chemical ion Introduction any member of a class of organic molecules with positive charges localized at a carbon… … Universalium
compound — 1. In chemistry, a substance formed by the covalent or electrostatic union of two or more elements, generally differing entirely in physical characteristics from any of its components. 2. In pharmacy, denoting a preparation containing several… … Medical dictionary