- microptic
- mi·crop·tic
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
microptic hallucination — Also known as microscopic hallucination and diminutive visual hallucination. The term microptic hallucination is indebted to the Greek words mikros (small) and opsis (seeing). It refers to a type of *visual hallucination in which the… … Dictionary of Hallucinations
microptic — mi·crop·tic mī kräp tik adj of, relating to, or affected with micropsia … Medical dictionary
microptic — adj. (Ophthalmology) of micropsia (eye disease characterized by viewing of objects as smaller than their actual size) … English contemporary dictionary
microptic — (ˈ)mī|kräptik adjective Etymology: micr + optic : of, relating to, or affected with micropsia … Useful english dictionary
microptic vision — see micropsia … Dictionary of Hallucinations
micropsia — microptic /muy krop tik/, adj. /muy krop see euh/, n. Ophthalm. a defect of vision in which objects appear to be smaller than their actual size. Also, micropia /muy kroh pee euh/, micropsy /muy krop see/. Cf. macropsia. [1895 1900; MICR + OPSIA]… … Universalium
micropsia — Also known as micropsy, microptic vision, Lilliput sight, Lilliput vision, and lilliputianism, after the fictitious country featuring in the novel Gulliver s Travels by the Irish poet and author Jonathan Swift (1667 1745). The term micropsia… … Dictionary of Hallucinations
zoom vision — A term used to denote a * visual illusion caused by a gradual change from regular visual perception to either macroptic or microptic vision. Macrop tic vision, or * macropsia, is a visual illusion characterized by a * magnification of objects… … Dictionary of Hallucinations
micropsia — Perception of objects as smaller than they are. [micro + G. opsis, sight] * * * mi·crop·sia mī kräp sē ə also mi·crop·sy mī .kräp sē n, pl sias also sies a pathological condition in which objects appear to be smaller than they are in reality… … Medical dictionary
Cardan, Jerome — (1501 1576) Also known as Jeronimo Cardan(o/us), Geronimo Cardan(o/us), Hieronymus Cardano(o/us), Girolamo Cardan(o/us), and Gerolamo Cardan(o/us). Cardan was an Italian lawyer, mathematician, astrologer, and physician who between the ages of… … Dictionary of Hallucinations