- military
- mil·i·tary
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
military deception — planned and executed by and in support of all levels of command to support the prevention of the inadvertent compromise of sensitive or classified activities, capabilities, or intentions. Deceptive OPSEC measures are designed to distract foreign… … Military dictionary
military van (container) — Military owned, demountable container, conforming to US and international standards, operated in a centrally controlled fleet for movement of military cargo. Also called MILVAN … Military dictionary
military geographic documentation — Military geographic information that has been evaluated, processed, summarized, and published … Military dictionary
military resources — Military and civilian personnel, facilities, equipment, and supplies under the control of a Department of Defense component … Military dictionary
military options — A range of military force responses that can be projected to accomplish assigned tasks. Options include one or a combination of the following: civic action, humanitarian assistance, civil affairs, and other military activities to develop positive … Military dictionary
military intelligence — Intelligence on any foreign military or military related situation or activity which is significant to military policymaking or the planning and conduct of military operations and activities. Also called MI … Military dictionary
Military Intelligence Integrated Data System/Integrated Database — An architecture for improving the manner in which military intelligence is analyzed, stored, and disseminated. The Integrated Database (IDB) forms the core automated database for the Military Intelligence Integrated Data System (MIIDS) program… … Military dictionary
military civic action — The use of preponderantly indigenous military forces on projects useful to the local population at all levels in such fields as education, training, public works, agriculture, transportation, communications, health, sanitation, and others… … Military dictionary
Military Intelligence Board — A decisionmaking forum which formulates Defense intelligence policy and programming priorities. The Military Intelligence Board, chaired by the Director, Defense Intelligence Agency, who is dual hatted as Director of Military Intelligence,… … Military dictionary
military objective — A derived set of military actions to be taken to implement National Command Authorities guidance in support of national objectives. A military objective defines the results to be achieved by the military and assign tasks to commanders. See also… … Military dictionary
military operations other than war — Operations that encompass the use of military capabilities across the range of military operations short of war. These military actions can be applied to complement any combination of the other instruments of national power and occur before,… … Military dictionary