- millenarianism
- mil·le·nar·ian·ism
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Millenarianism — Mil le*na ri*an*ism, Millenarism Mil le*na*rism, n. The doctrine of Millenarians. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Millenarianism — Millenarism redirects here. It is not to be confused with Millerism. Millenarianism (also millenarism) is the belief by a religious, social, or political group or movement in a coming major transformation of society, after which all things will… … Wikipedia
millenarianism — A term used to refer to a religious movement which prophesies the coming of the millennium and a cataclysmic end of the world as we know it; or, more formally, which anticipates imminent, total, ultimate, this worldly, collective salvation.… … Dictionary of sociology
millenarianism — noun Date: 1829 1. belief in the millennium of Christian prophecy 2. belief in a coming ideal society and especially one created by revolutionary action … New Collegiate Dictionary
millenarianism — See millenarian. * * * … Universalium
millenarianism — noun A belief that a major change is about to happen … Wiktionary
millenarianism — Any religious movement that predicts the collapse of the world order as we know it, with its replacement by the millennium, or period of justice, equality, salvation, etc. Millenarian movements are thought to be an extreme example of the use of… … Philosophy dictionary
millenarianism — belief that an ideal society will be produced in the near future Philosophical Isms … Phrontistery dictionary
millenarianism — mil·le·nar·i·an·ism || ‚mɪlɪ nerɪənɪzm / neÉ™r n. belief in the Christian millennium (in which Jesus will reign on Earth); belief that an ideal world will be achieved in the near future … English contemporary dictionary
Millenarianism — The expectation of the thousand year period of blessedness as promised in the Book of Revelation … Who’s Who in Christianity
millenarianism — noun belief in a future thousand year age of blessedness, beginning with or culminating in the Second Coming of Christ (central to the teaching of the Adventists, Mormons, and Jehovah s Witnesses). ↘belief in a future utopian period. Derivatives… … English new terms dictionary