- momentaneously
- mo·men·ta·ne·ous·ly
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
momentaneously — adverb see momentaneous … Useful english dictionary
Basque pelota — Pelota in Spanish, pilota in Basque and Catalan, or pelote in French (from Latin pila ) is a name for a variety of court sports played with a ball using one s hand, a racket, a wooden bat ( Argentine paleta and pala corta ), or a basket propulsor … Wikipedia
immediately — Synonyms and related words: PDQ, amain, anon, apace, at once, away, by forced marches, closely, contiguously, cursorily, decisively, directly, expeditiously, feverishly, forthwith, furiously, hand over fist, hastily, helter skelter, hotfoot,… … Moby Thesaurus
instantaneously — Synonyms and related words: at once, directly, forthwith, immediately, in a flash, in a jiff, in a jiffy, in a twink, in a twinkling, in no time, in nothing flat, in short order, instanter, instantly, just now, just then, momentaneously,… … Moby Thesaurus
instantly — Synonyms and related words: PDQ, amain, apace, at once, away, by forced marches, cursorily, decisively, directly, expeditiously, feverishly, forthwith, furiously, hand over fist, hastily, helter skelter, hotfoot, hurriedly, hurry scurry,… … Moby Thesaurus
momentarily — Synonyms and related words: briefly, fleetingly, flickeringly, flittingly, for a moment, immediately, in an instant, instantaneously, instanter, instantly, just now, just then, momentaneously, momently, on the dot, on the instant, on the nail, on … Moby Thesaurus
on the spot — Synonyms and related words: PDQ, aboard, among us, apace, as of now, as things are, at once, at present, at this juncture, at this moment, at this point, at this time, between two fires, but now, cornered, cursory, decisively, directly,… … Moby Thesaurus